Gang Gang Dance

Posted on September 14, 2011


*Article by Maggie Labno*

Gang Gang Dance played Pitchfork this summer, and they’re also playing Pygmalion. Although I didn’t really get to chat with the band due to Hurricane Irene, Lizzie was kind enough to answer my questions via e-mail. If you aren’t working out to their music, she hopes you’re at least losing your virginity to it. Gang Gang Dance will perform at the Canopy Club on Saturday, September 24, at 11:15pm.

buzz: I caught some of your performance at Pitchfork this summer. Did you get to check out any of the artists performing after/before your set?

Lizzie Bougatsos: I wish I had time to see Odd Future. Their live set is pretty entertaining and always unpredictable. They don’t play like the rest. I wanted to see TV on the Radio. They’re old friends. And Ariel Pink…yeah, I caught nothin’.

buzz: You’re playing at Pygmalion this year, we’re pretty stoked. How do you feel about music festivals in contrast to individual shows?

LB: I like the diversity of music festivals. I think indie music needs to spread out a little bit more, though, and add acts from all countries.

buzz: Anything you want to do that you haven’t done yet, music-wise, life-wise?

LB: Record in Miami. Life-wise, I’d like to buy a blind goat and feed him every day. Is that weird?

buzz: When working on Eye Contact, what goals did you set for the album?

LB: Keep mind open always.

buzz: When did work on Eye Contact begin?

LB: We started in the desert, moved our studio to an abandoned pink house, and started writing. There was also a hot tub and lots of cooking.

buzz:  Do you have a favorite song to perform off of your newest album?

Gang Gang Dance @ Pitchfork 2011; photo by Adam Barnett

LB: “MINDKILLA.” But honestly, I’d like to re-visit “First Communion” or “Before my Voice Fails.”

buzz:  When writing lyrics, where do you do that? Do you have a special place. 

LB: I go to Fire Island or an abandoned beach. I also like trains, planes and waking up from a dream.

buzz:  Why did you include the “Mockingbird” song in “MindKilla” lyrics?

LB: I was thinking of the fairytale, and also the Beyonce song “Put a Ring on it.” There is also a little Dune in there, the movie. I played that movie over and over and realized it after the song was released.

buzz: Your music is very vivid and colorful. Is that hard to accomplish?

LB: No.

buzz: How do you keep yourselves entertained while on tour? Do you have any funny stories to share?

LB: We tell dirty jokes, watch a lot of comedy, get more nicknames for each other and basically try to zone out. There is usually a lot of Animal Planet or well, Dave Chappelle or Curb your enthusiasm going on… I also get us SNAPS videos at the Duane Reade.

buzz: Does any of your musical influence come from cinema or literature?

LB: Yes, but they are usually unconscious. I do read about anything I can get my hands on. We’re big into documentaries.

buzz: I have some of your songs in my Workout playlist. What other things should people be doing while listening to your music?

LB: I heard people work out to Gang Gang at crunch gyms or Japanese restaurants. Very fitting. Oh, and lose their virginity.

buzz: What should those who have never seen you live expect from the Pygmalion performance?

LB: Well, that’s a lot of pressure. Let’s just say take what you can with you, and look at everything.

Who: Gang Gang Dance, Positive Vibr8tions, Marty Party, Venus X & $hayne
Where: The Canopy Club
When: Saturday, Sept. 24 @ 10:15 p.m. (GGD @ 11:15)
Cost: $15
Ages: 18+